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Open Source Atomistic Simulation with CalcTroll: Simplifying STM Simulations

CalcTroll is a sophisticated tool designed for open source atomistic simulation, serving as both a workflow manager and a flexible scripting interface. CalcTroll empowers users to write and implement scripts seamlessly, enhancing efficiency and precision in STM simulations and other atomic-scale phenomena research and development.

CalcTroll: Streamlining Atomic-Scale Simulations

CalcTroll offers open-source framework designed to simplify the creation and execution of targeted atomic-scale simulation applications. It's particularly focused on STM (Scanning Tunneling Microscopy) simulations using the SIESTA code, but its flexible architecture allows for easy implementation of various atomic-scale simulation workflows.

Key Features for Open Source Atomistic Simulation

  • Workflow Automation: Set up chains of calculations, linking outputs to inputs seamlessly.

  • Modular Design: Comes with predefined structures and calculations, easily extensible through subclassing.

  • Script-first Implementation: Create your desired script and then get the guidance for filling in the implementations by running the script.

  • Collaboration-Friendly: Capture and share your workflows for transparency and reproducibility.

Ideal for Open Source Atomistic Simulation Applications

  1. ​Researchers creating on-demand workflows for team members.

  2. Scientists aiming to enhance collaboration through transparent, shareable processes.

  3. Anyone looking to simplify their atomic-scale simulation pipeline.

Explore open source atomistic simulation with CalcTroll on GitHub​

Open Source Atomistic Simulation with CalcTroll: Simplifying STM Simulations

Explore our atomistic simulation projects to see what we have accomplished with the framework. If you're seeking assistance in creating your simulations, explore our custom atomistic simulations offer.

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